Is the Webster Technique For You?
Expecting Moms are certain to wonder about delivery of their child with the hope of no complications and as your due date gets closer, you’re probably eager to hear that your baby is in position for delivery. But breech, or feet-first presentation, affects up to 4 percent of full-term births. When this happens, doctors must either try to turn the babys head first in the weeks before birth or perform a cesarean delivery to help the baby arrive safely into the world.
Today, more and more people are turning to chiropractic care throughout their pregnancies to address concerns that may contribute to breech presentation. One specific method is known as the Webster technique. Developed in the 1980s by chiropractor Dr. Larry Webster. after his daughter’s difficult birth, he created a technique for the pelvis to ease labor and delivery. Webster observed that his gentle adjustments did result in turning babies from breech to vertex (head down) reducing the pregnant mothers complications for the baby, like the inability to move into an ideal birth presentation. In addition to addressing a breech presentation, the Webster technique will ease leg pain, back pain, leg tightness among other pregnancy symptoms.
How successful is it? One 2002 study on the Webster technique showed a success rate of 82 percent for resolving breech presentation in month 8 of pregnancy. Although the study was small, (112 women) the results caught the interest of researchers. Data also suggests that if you have regular Webster technique adjustments, you may be less likely to have a cesarean delivery and therefore may avoid the risks associated with surgical birth.
Still wondering if this is for you? Just ask your friends who have experienced the results of the Webster Technique for their thoughts. At Beyond Health and Wellness we can further explain the benefits for you and answer your questions.