Reducing Chronic Pain
A recent medical article stated that the number one reason people visit a healthcare provider is because of pain. Chronic pain affects about 100 million American adults—more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. Now consider this: the number one reason people avoid seeing an acupuncturist is because they are afraid of pain! The fear of needles is very real and will often cause potential patients to reject even the idea of acupuncture treatment.
Modern research has provided new opportunities for acupuncture treatments that did not previously exist, including microcurrent, magnetic treatments and laser acupuncture. The greatest advantage of laser acupuncture is that it’s completely painless and it does not puncture the skin—there is zero risk of infection. It is performed using a handheld device that is pressed against the treatment area. As the handheld device moves across your skin, laser energy penetrates it and goes deep into the tissue. The light energy targets and reduces inflammation and as a result, pain symptoms subside.
Laser Acupuncture Applications
Laser acupuncture is effective for a variety of pain issues such as neck and back pain, shoulder and knee pain, pain related to sports injuries, sciatica, and much more. The laser targets pain on a cellular level and may aid in reducing pain and swelling from acute injuries like strains and sprains as well as chronic conditions like disc issues. Practitioners also use laser therapy for headaches and migraines and your doctor may use it to ease pain practically anywhere else in the body.
Reduce or eliminate Pain Medications
Laser treatments don’t require the use of medications, so you won’t have to rely on pills that could potentially cause issues within the body. The treatment is nonsurgical, meaning you don’t have to worry about stitches, hospital stays, or scars. You won’t have to contend with a lengthy recovery time that limits your ability to function or go to work as usual and will not take you away from your life for a long period. Generally, a laser therapy treatment lasts five to 10 minutes at a time.
Laser acupuncture provides patients an alternative: continued or reduced medication or an opportunity to reduce pain through Laser muscle penetration. Choosing the best and experienced practitioner is vital to treatment outcome and those with acupuncture experience have advanced training in Oriental Medicine and acupuncture body points that are necessary for pain reduction. Beyond Health and Wellness has acupuncture experience with Dr. Aaron Bardwell ND, DC, MSOM. Their combined experience will offer you the best treatment options to help you manage your pain successfully.
My son plays football and has had some shoulder issues, nothing has been fractured but he landed on collarbone last Fri and is pretty sore. This is his senior year and he is down to 3 games. Right now it’s not looking good for him to play Friday. Is this laser accupuncture something that could be a option to help get him going? Thanks
Sorry about the delay. Laser acupuncture would likely work well for him. At the very least, we could accelerate his recovery. I would suggest that you give me a call and we can talk in detail about the situation and help get back in the game. The clinic number is 989-272-2774, looking forward to talking with you.